
In an ideal world, your online advertising on Facebook or Google would be effective, cost-efficient, and not require over-optimization. However, to find the formula for success, you need to understand the different types of advertising campaigns and choose the option that suits you best.

  1. Identify the target audience.

First, define your audience profile – this is the first step to success. Since you want your product to be chosen, you have to present it in a way that appeals to the buyer. Answer the following questions: What are the wishes of your audience? What problems does it have? What is it looking for now? What style of presentation would they prefer? What do they value in you?

  1. Define your goals and compare them with your strategy.

What is the goal of your advertising campaign? It can be to generate a large amount of new followers on social media, increase brand awareness, or increase sales. To effectively direct your efforts, detail these goals.

  1. Prioritize your goals and direct resources in the right direction.

Contextual advertising, display advertising, and social media advertising can help you effectively increase traffic and brand awareness. However, these options can be costly. If the cost exceeds the return on investment, they may not be the best choice.

If you’re a small business with limited resources, you may need to hire creatives and copywriters. In this case, email marketing campaigns and high-quality content can be most effective. Take an integrated approach. Contextual advertising without quality content may not work as well as quality content without engagement tools.